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I hope you are all having a good week and enjoying your time at home as best you can. I can tell you it's been hard for me to enjoy at times, but I'm truly doing my best to stay positive and upbeat!!

My 30th birthday is in less than 2 weeks and I was so looking forward to celebrating a big birthday with family and friends. Obviously, that is not going to happen. Instead of grieving yet another canceled milestone, I've decided that I will look at this as a gift. Instead of turning 30 on April 14th, I will just skip right over my birthday and I'll get to be 29 for another year! It makes perfect sense, right?!

A good thing from this week is that I've never seen our house so clean or organized... we are out of drawers and closets to organize now, ha!

Wearing: I felt good last week because I made a real effort to do my hair, makeup, and put on a real outfit, but this week was a fail. I was mostly in comfy at-home clothes and honestly, I'm OK with that. My favorites are these Joggers and Striped Top. They make for a cute little lounge outfit. 

Drinking: We made martinis on Tuesday (because why not?!) and Henry decided he'd like to belly up to the bar and have one for himself, ha!! See our recipe, here

 I haven't read the book, but I've started watching Little Fires Everywhere on Hulu and I love it so far. The storyline is great so far and I just love Kerry Washington and Reese Witherspoon! My fiancé and I started Ozark's newest season, too, which is awesome so far. 

Wanting: I've been considering ordering this gel nail kit and a gel light. I like to give my nails time to breathe, but after a while, I will start picking if my nails aren't done. I also just feel better and more put together when my nails are done. This doesn't really matter since no one is going to see them, but it's more about how I feel than anything else. Does anyone do their own at-home gel?
Pittsburgh-ing: We have decided our 'routine' is cooking at home Sunday-Thursday and we get takeout for dinners on Friday and Saturday night. It's been a good new routine and the takeout gives us something to look forward to on the weekends as well as supports our favorite local restaurants. We have eaten Iron Born, Cucina Bella, and Little Tokyo so far and have a running list for future weekends. Next up is Jade Grille!

Smelling: I have been burning through candles so quickly lately. I find the glow that they give off to be soothing and comforting, especially at nighttime. I just ordered this candle on sale as it is one of my very favorite scents. 

Quoting: 'If you get tired, learn to rest, not quit.' // See more of my favorites, here. 

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