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NOTD: Paddy's Day Nailsss

Happy Paddy's Day, everyone! I thought there was something a bit perfect about a green snake print manicure for the day that's in it. Of course every Irish schoolchild knows that legend has it St. Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland, but since 2013 is the Chinese Year Of The Snake and snake is the animal print of the season for SS13 it's sort of a triple whammy of appropriateness.

This is only my second ever attempt at a Konadicure - you can see the first here - and I think it turned out fairly well. I roughly stamped the nails with a metallic gold polish to add a bit of interest and depth before stamping with black polish.

It's not flawless by any means, but I'm telling myself that the irregularities just make it look more like snakeskin than a really perfect job would. 


Products used:
Bundle Monster plate BM 215
Konad short-handled stamper and plastic scraper
L.A. Colors Palm Tree
Topshop Crystal Clouds
Nubar Noir
Seche Vite top coat

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