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Bar Refaeli Launches Her Sex Tape

Bar Refaeli is the girl that every guy wants and every girl wants to be, so why wouldn’t we want to see her in a sex tape?!
Well, she seems to agree with everyone and recently did a video with Funny Or Die, where she talks about her sex tape Kickstarter campaign!
While of course it’s all fake, Bar certainly gets every man’s imagination going when she plans out what she will do for you if you help with her campaign.
She also wrote on her Kickstarter page:
“Perhaps I need to explain this project further. I’ve always been fascinated by the human body. Specifically, when two bodies do it with each other. I’m going to pick a guy to do with and then film it. Let me back up here- by “it," I mean “sex." By “sex," I mean really going to f–king town.”
Beauty and a sense of humor? It looks like Bar’s sex appeal level can’t get much higher. 
Check out the video above to see Bar talk about making a sex tape!

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