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Who's that Pokémon? Slowpoke!

Hiya guys!! I hope you're having a good life, I am, I've had this personality adjustment where I don't care about stupid things that don't matter and life becomes amazing!! My university applications have been sent off too so that's a waiting game.
So this manicure was my birthday manicure, I've become a pokémon lover (at the tender age of 17 lol) and I'm currently trying to complete the Pokedex and it's quite the challenge. Also I'm trying to do it with Wondertrade which if you've wondertraded you know it's a mixed bag. Though I've nearly got a full bow of shiny pokemon from it so I say it's worth it. Also I picked Slowpoke for this mani cause Slowpoke is so cute and I have a Slowbro now and I love it. Also side note: sorry about my cuticles!!

So I have a wee Slowpoke with a blue gradient with the big bombastic glitter. It looks better in real life trust me. My lighting is going down and my cuticles are dying lol. I'm happy with that Slowpoke but thankfully it's a pretty easy one to paint. I thought my gradient was done well too cause I did the layers and stuff and I love subtle magical glitter. And then big as glitter (leaving bubbles but you can't win everything haha).

I did the gradient with a sponge and yeah I did it layer by layer, I had the patience. Then slapped the glitter on. For Slowpoke, I started with the pink base and then the yellow mouth with some toothpicks and did the details one by one including the black outline. It was a good shape to paint, it's nice when it can look cool but still be simple to paint.

Pink: Barry M - Miami (I became unsure about this pink cause it was quite dark but it was only in certain lighting)
Yellow: Ciate - Loop the Loop
White: Barry M - Cotton
Black: Rimmel - Black Pearl
Red: Seventeen - Dark Heart
Blue: Barry M - Malibu
Light Blue: Nails Inc - The Tide is High
Subtle Glitter: OPI - Last Friday Night
Chunky Glitter: Etude House - No. 346

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a fantastic day!!

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