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Taylor Swift: ‘I Don’t Get Over People Fast’

Taylor Swift had another hit with the breakup song “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” but that doesn’t mean she handles her own breakups with ease.

“I don’t get over people fast,” she told Sunday’s Parade magazine.

But while bouncing back from a bad romance isn’t quick, Taylor follows her heart.

“I don’t think there’s an option for me to fall in love slowly, or at medium speed. I either do or I don’t,” she said. “I don’t think it through, really, which is a good thing and a bad thing. You don’t look before you leap, which is like, ‘Yay, this is awesome! Let’s not think twice!’ And then you’re like, ‘We used to be flying. Now we’re falling. What’s happening?’”

The pop star, who turns 23 on December 13, also revealed she’s not ready for marriage.

“People think I want to get married really young — I don’t know why,” she said. “I’m a romantic person, but that doesn’t mean I want to miss out on being in my young 20s.”

Taylor is indulging in some new sounds on her latest album, “Red,” and she admitted it’s important for her to keep growing, musically.

“You have to force yourself… to evolve,” she told the Sunday mag.

And she can’t help it. Taylor said her head is always full of creativity.

“The only time I can get it to turn off is if I watch ‘CSI’ or ‘Law & Order,’ where I have to follow the crime. If I can’t turn my head off during that, I know I’ve really got a problem,” she said.


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