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'Ant-Man' Review

Thanks to my awesome new stepsister, I had the opportunity to view Ant-Man a day earlier than I was anticipating, and will say in short that I loved it! I consider it to be one of the best standalone Marvel films besides Captain America: The Winter Soldier, this doesn't include either Avengers films since those are team up films. 
It has epic action that takes advantage of utilizing Ant-Man's abilities, some hilarious one-liners and many Marvel Easter eggs and references. Among these is the first reference to Spider-Man in the MCU! 
In terms of acting, the main cast is phenomenal! Paul Rudd is fantastic in this film! He really manages to deliver the action scenes and some hilarious one-liners quite well. His character Scott Lang also has an interesting relationship with his daughter that allows for some more depth in the film given that this film has quite a few father-daughter relationships and is even somewhat about fathers. I really enjoyed Paul Rudd and hope that this will help propel his career a little bit more to give him a push to find other work or continue to work with Marvel. 
Michael Douglas also manages to shine through his acting abilities, which comes at no surprise to me given his acting history and Academy Award. Douglas' character also has a very interesting relationship with his daughter Hope van Dyne, who is played by Evangeline Lily, and I really would love to see Hank Pym further explored in the MCU. 
Evangeline Lily was also an interesting character due to her complex relationship with her father and an enjoyable member of the cast! I'm looking forward to what her future in the MCU will be given what occurs in one of the post credits scenes. 
Michael Peña is definitely a standout of the supporting cast though because he steals almost every scene he is in with his hilarious one-liners!
Corey Stoll does his best to bring Darren Cross and Yellow Jacket to life, but unfortunately Marvel has another mediocre villain. Yellow Jacket is very evil, but I don't feel he had justifiable motivation or much character development. 
The action sequences in this film are very fun and inventive due to the shrinking and growing of Ant-Man in his fighting style. Due to this, you can see glimpses of Edgar Wright's vision for the film that unfortunately didn't come into fruition as he departed the project for creative differences, but Peyton Reed did a superb job taking over for Edgar Wright. 
And there are two post credits scenes so make sure you stay all the way through the credits. I'd also like to let you know that there is an an Avenger that makes an appearance in the film that allows for a fun and hilarious action confrontation. I really want to express how great this movie is and help sway those who are on the fence of viewing it. This film is fun and manages to have a heart and find it's voice to convey it's larger message about father daughter relationships. 
So in short, Marvel has done it once again by creating a fun and fresh origin story film for a lesser known superhero! 

Film Assessment: B+

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